1. 教育经历
2013-2018 澳大利亚科廷大学媒介研究专业博士(澳方全奖CIPRS&CSIRS)
2009-2012 上海外国语大学高级翻译学院 文学硕士
2005-2009 山东大学外国语学院 文学学士
2. 工作经历
2019/6至今 威斯尼斯人官网登录任教
2018/11 - 2019/11 澳大利亚科廷大学兼任博士后
2017/12 - 2018/12 Noongarpedia项目研究助理
3. 主讲课程
4. 科研课题
5. 专著
Zhang, H., Gong, Q. (5 July 2024). Narrating Chinese Youth Mobilities: Digital Storytelling and Media Citizenship. Abingdon & New York: Routledge.
6. 论文
(1)Zhang, H., Gong, Q. (2021). Migrant Placemaking and Authorship: Digital Storytelling by Chinese Interprovincial Students. Continuum, 35(4), 509-527.
(2)Zhang, H., & Gong. (2020). “Reskilling” through Self-Representation: Digital Storytelling as an Alternative English Experience for Chinese International Students in Australia. In S. Dovchin (Ed.), Digital Communication, Linguistic Diversity and Education (pp. 93-120). Bern: Peter Lang.
(3)Xu, J., Huang, D., Zhang, H. (2021). Internet Philanthropy as China’s “Digital Solution” to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Policies, Practices, Politics and Critique. In M. J. Yusha’u & J. Servaes (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of International Communication and Sustainable Development (pp. 371-391). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
(4)Kent, M., Ellis, K., Zhang, H., and Zhang, D. (2017). Using Social Media to Advance the Social Rights of People with Disability in China: The Beijing One Plus One Disabled Persons’ Cultural Development Centre. In K. Ellis & M. Kent (Eds.), Chinese Social Media: Social, Cultural, and Political Implications (pp. 119-129). Abingdon: Routledge.
(5)Xu, J., Kent, M., Ellis, K., and Zhang, H. (2016). WeChat and the Voice Donor Campaign: An example of ‘Doing Good’ on Social Media. In M. Kent, K. Ellis & J. Xu (Eds.), Disability and Social Media: Global Perspectives (pp. 318-331). New York: Routledge.
7. 学术会议
(1)张禾,《关于数字化故事讲述研究(Digital Storytelling Studies)的再思考:理论内涵与方法论价值》。“新文化传播学的建构”研讨会,2024年7月6-7日。山东大学(威海)文化传播学院。
(2)Yixin, L., Gong, Q. & Zhang, H. (2024). From Homemakers to Bread Earners: Rural Women’s “Double Burden” in Gig Economy. Presenter at the 25th ASAA Biennial Conference, 1-4 July, online.
(3)张禾,《中国青年流动者的数字自传实践与地方的媒介尺度》。“文学与流动性”全国学术研讨会,2024年4月21-23日。山西师范大学外国语学院。(4)Zhang, H. & Gong, Q. (2021). Translanguaging as Theory and Practice for Participatory Intercultural Storytelling by Chinese International Students in Australia. Presenter at The Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) Annual Conference, 7-9 July, online.
(5)Zhang, H. & Gong, Q. (2021). Translanguaging as Theory and Practice. Presenter at the International Conference on Entangled Englishes in Tranlocal Spaces, 2-4 September, online. Hosted by University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka.
(6)Zhang, H., Gong, Q. (2020). “Reskilling” through Self-representation in a Digital Storytelling Project for Chinese International Students in Australia. Poster Presenter at the 70th International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, 20-26 May, online due to COVID-19 pandemic.
(7)Zhang, H. (2020). Digital Story Telling, Pandemic, and Memory of Humanity Webinar 2020. Guest Speaker at Communication Webinar Series 2020 of Communication Department, Universitas Airlangga (Indonesia), 17 November, online.
8. 获奖情况
(3)2020年第七十届国际传播学会年会语言与社交互动分会场Top Poster Award。